How Your Annoying Behaviour Pushes Those You Love Away

To be honest, we’ve all at times acted a bit toxic, damaging our persona at one time or another. We’re not alone when it comes to the occasional mood swing or arrogance. Most will mature and evolve, becoming balanced and aware enough to be able to restrain ourselves.

Once these behaviours begin to reveal themselves, it then becomes damaging to our personal self, social success, and our business welfare.

What we need to do is recognize whenever we’re behaving badly, and then consciously stop that annoying mindset.

You need to realize yourself if you lack the ability to control yourself, to harness your emotions towards everyone around you.

Do you suddenly and unexpectedly explode in anger, or begin to pout over the smallest of hiccups or incidences.

For those who are overly emotional, instantly lose their cool, what’s needed is awareness to gain control over their emotions, while understanding what the root of that inner angst is.

Becoming Jealous

Never allow jealously or envy to get the better of you. Envy is tracking the success of others instead of your own. There’s nothing attractive or admirable when you react to this behaviour.

Stop comparing yourself to someone else. Your life is your own journey and it’s not a competition. You are competing with just one person and that’s you.

You are in a battle with yourself to get better, the best you can be everyday. If you’re wanting to measure your progress, then compare how you were yesterday or last week to today.

It’s Never Personal

Those with toxic personalities believe everything that happens to them, every event happening around them is an assault on them, that it’s all about them.

The truth being, people are selfish and they’ll say or do something which benefits them and not you, they don’t care about you. How they react to you is their own perspective and experiences.

Whether others think you’re amazing, or don’t like you, it’s still all about them.

There’s a lot of hurt, sadness, and disappointment which stems from taking things personally.

It’s far healthier to dismiss their opinion of you, or if it’s valid criticism, put it to good use.

Superficially Judging Others

Never judge others by how or what they show or tell you. Realize they’re telling you things they chose to tell you, based on their own internal stress or pain at that moment.

Once someone attempts to make you suffer or hurt in some way, it’s usually because they’re suffering deep wounds within themselves. Their suffering is coming to the surface and just spilling over.


Lack Of Empathy

One of the most toxic behaviours is consciously being cruel, mean. What this stems from is a lack of empathy, concern or compassion towards others as you just focus on yourself and what’s in it for you.

We see it on a daily basis online and in the media, people are just devastatingly unkind towards others, just because they can be.

They’ll violently tear others down on purpose in a cowardly way online, hiding behind their anonymity. Cruelty, being mean and hurting others is just poor behaviour.

Whenever you find yourself tearing others down or backstabbing, stop yourself in your tracks. Find compassion and realize it’s not that important.

Can’t Handle The Truth

People will avoid you if you’re constantly lying and hiding from the truth, by not being yourself. It becomes an issue the instance they sniff out your fake persona.

Keep in mind regardless of who you are, your sex, age, race, religion, most will get an instant vibe of who you are externally.

So if what you say or do doesn’t match who you obviously are, you won’t be taken as valid or likeable.

We all have our own light to shine, a mission to accomplish. Celebrate and expose that you’re different and unique, a zany personality, perhaps a little weird.

If you find yourself too far out of your element, like a fish out of water, then find others to swim with. Know who you are, and never change just to please others.

You Need Constant Approval

Those who are constantly seeking the approval of others, validation, are tiring to be around. They are constantly wanting to prove their worth, over and over again.

These type of individuals are unintentionally toxic and annoying. Realize this behaviour will just wear you out while bringing others down.

There’s a bigger brighter picture of your life, and it’s not about what you’re able to achieve in the eyes of others. They don’t care, people are just concerned about themselves.

It’s about what you can contribute, the journey you forge, the process and the path, what you’ve learned and how you apply it, while teaching and helping others.

You Are A Perfectionist

What we often chase are hypothetical states of perfection. We do so when searching for the perfect mate, job, house, or friend. The problem is perfection doesn’t exist, it’s a forever moving target.

Life isn’t static but a continual journey, constantly changing, evolving to get better or worse. What’s here today won’t be here tomorrow, you’re a day older so you need to adjust.

That perfection you seek will eventually fade into imperfection, the rules will change. What you need is a bit of patience, an open mind, and over time, you’ll learn to adapt.

Everything that’s imperfect around you will adapt and alter as you carry on with your life.

All it comes down to is not trying to be perfect at all times, that’s not human. It’s just a cry from your low self-esteem.

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